Punta Campanella hike & Mount San Costanzo

Discover the unspoiled charm of the Sorrento Peninsula! Join us for a breathtaking adventure from Termini to the magical summit of Monte San Costanzo

Start: Termini

End: Termini

Route: Paved and unpaved path, stairs

Lenght: 8 Km

Elevation gain: +/- 450m

Difficulty: EE (for Expert Hikers)

Time: 5h

Request information

Guided tour by licensed Hiking Environmental Guide since 2012

Overview of the tour

Discover the Untouched Charm of the Sorrentine Peninsula with Us!

We start our journey from the picturesque square of Termini, where it feels like Capri is within arm's reach. From there, we venture towards the tip of La Campanella, the last unspoiled piece of land on the Sorrento Peninsula, the grand finale of the Lattari Mountains. It's a beautiful place, rich in charm and ancient history. During the excursion, we'll  arrive at the  temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, a true spectacle of beauty and ancient history.

But this excursion is not just a scenic walk; it's also a journey through time, where the legends of mythical Sirens and the adventures of Ulysses come to life amid the olive trees and Mediterranean scrub.

After a short break, we will continue our ascent along the ridge, following a trail with a moderate incline, until we reach the picturesque Chapel of San Costanzo. Along the way, we'll be surrounded by the typical flora of the Mediterranean scrub, especially the asphodel, a plant associated with the funeral rituals of ancient Greece.

Reaching the summit of Monte San Costanzo, we'll enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the Amalfi Coast, the Gulf of Salerno, the Lattari Mountains, Sant'Angelo a tre pizzi, Mount Vesuvius, and the islands of Ischia and Procida. Simply breathtaking!

At the end of the hike, we'll return to Termini square, completing the circle of this extraordinary adventure.

For experienced hikers only

Possibility for hikers who are in Sorrento to leave directly from there, walk to Termini and then continue the walk as described in the excursion; this will allow us not to use any means of transport and spend a "completely green day".

Shorter and less demanding variant

Excursion along the "Vuallariello" path to reach Monte San Costanzo. Shorter and simpler variant along the North-West face of San Costanzo, with less height difference, yet as many open panoramic views of the two gulfs.

Customize your trip!  
  •  Lunch/aperitivo with a sea view and Capri view at a local farm.

  • Picnic with local products at the top of Mount San Costanzo.

  • We organize transfers to/ from our tour locations 


Overview of the tour

Discover the Untouched Charm of the Sorrentine Peninsula with Us!

We start our journey from the picturesque square of Termini, where it feels like Capri is within arm's reach. From there, we venture towards the tip of La Campanella, the last unspoiled piece of land on the Sorrento Peninsula, the grand finale of the Lattari Mountains. It's a beautiful place, rich in charm and ancient history. During the excursion, we'll  arrive at the  temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, a true spectacle of beauty and ancient history.

But this excursion is not just a scenic walk; it's also a journey through time, where the legends of mythical Sirens and the adventures of Ulysses come to life amid the olive trees and Mediterranean scrub.

After a short break, we will continue our ascent along the ridge, following a trail with a moderate incline, until we reach the picturesque Chapel of San Costanzo. Along the way, we'll be surrounded by the typical flora of the Mediterranean scrub, especially the asphodel, a plant associated with the funeral rituals of ancient Greece.

Reaching the summit of Monte San Costanzo, we'll enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the Amalfi Coast, the Gulf of Salerno, the Lattari Mountains, Sant'Angelo a tre pizzi, Mount Vesuvius, and the islands of Ischia and Procida. Simply breathtaking!

At the end of the hike, we'll return to Termini square, completing the circle of this extraordinary adventure.

For experienced hikers only

Possibility for hikers who are in Sorrento to leave directly from there, walk to Termini and then continue the walk as described in the excursion; this will allow us not to use any means of transport and spend a "completely green day".

Shorter and less demanding variant

Excursion along the "Vuallariello" path to reach Monte San Costanzo. Shorter and simpler variant along the North-West face of San Costanzo, with less height difference, yet as many open panoramic views of the two gulfs.

Customize your trip!  
  •  Lunch/aperitivo with a sea view and Capri view at a local farm.

  • Picnic with local products at the top of Mount San Costanzo.

  • We organize transfers to/ from our tour locations 


If you like what you've read
write to us for availability and prices

Punta Campanella hike & Mount San Costanzo

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